Hand on heart: Are you disciplined knitters who work only on one project and only after completion the next strike? Or are you like me others (no idea who!), who also like to have a second and third project on the needles? Of course you don't have to tell (but you may!). But if one or the other is looking for a little variety (on the needles!): Welcome to the Saturday Coffee with small and big knitting ideas for new projects, with net talk and a little walk through our Maschenfein knitting round.

Two in One Guide

There is never such a thing as the perfect solution. Not even when it comes to pattern. But some of them come quite close to an all-round carefree package: For example the one Thea Top by Susanne Müller.

Susanne has transformed The Top...
Photos: © Susanne Müller
...out came the Thea Vest!

This is what she released late last summer. This week came the (free) update to it: With a few modifications and the new Como and Premia yarn combo from LAMANA, you can easily knit yourself a pretty sweater. The Thea Vest is a great in-between seasons project. You can easily make it before spring really gets going. And even if it gets warmer then: Mette from PetiteKnit, for example, regularly shows that such a slipover does not have to be styled winterly at all. By the way, sweaters and tops are knitted in one piece top down.

If you would prefer something with sleeves, you could knit the Featherweight Cardigan by Hannah Fettig. It might be the right piece to carry you into spring with its three-quarter sleeves and shortened cut. The pattern for the top-down model are also available in German. As yarn we would suggest the Balayage from Pascuali. We're waiting on a few colors right now, but a sunny orange or even the bright yellow-green Piura would be there. The muted blue-gray tones I also find great.

Perfect cardigan for spring: FeatherweightPhoto
: © knitbot

But rather something small?

Perfect as a second, third or (yikes!) fourth project are socks. They can be very simple, plain knitted designs or ones with delicate patterns. I admit it: I love to look at beautiful socks. Preferably the ones from 52 Weeks of Socks from Laine.

Socks AnoukPhoto
: © Sini Ellen

Socks MiamarePhoto
: © Schachenmayr

Socks Heather©
Laine Magazine

But also in the magazines there is usually always a sock model. In issue no. 3, for example, it was the design Anouk (the pattern are also available separately). In issue no. 8 you can find Heather. I don't know if I would ever manage to knit such socks - but aren't they just beautiful? If you prefer to follow a German tutorial for patterns like these, you might want to check out Miamare from Schachenmayr. The yarn used here is the Krönchengarn Premium Cashmere, which you can also use for the other two designs mentioned. I would also find Premium Silk just as noble. Now that I write it like this: Maybe I should finally knit some socks with LACE pattern!

At our knitting kits you will find now also very fresh the packages to the current free patterns from SANDNES. The first is the Blomsterjakke, which is knitted from Duo by SANDNES. As a second design you will find the Sweater Frescoknitted in two strands from Duo and Tynn Merinoull (also SANDNES). Children's designs are also super projects that you can cast on the side. In this case, the only restriction is that you can not leave them too long, because children are known to grow quite quickly. #fromtested

...or a scarf?

The Yamagata scarf is knitted stockinette stitch.
Photo: © ITO

If that's too daring for you, you could reach for the Yamagata scarf from ITO. The model is easy to knit and is made from Awayuki, a fluffy yarn that consists of 80 percent mohair and 20 percent silk. You can either choose your own colors or use a ready-made kit.

Pssst....! Net whisper!

And even if traveling is still one thing... knitting in company is simply fun. An alternative to analog knitting meetings is a virtual knitalong. Our Jule is organizing a TeeKAL with her knitting group. In the last blogpost On the needles I already told you what it's all about: drinking tee and knitting T-shirts. Lotilda is also organizing a Knitalong to coincide with the start of spring. The cardigan Jona will be knitted, starting on March 22.

The Jona Cardigan is a beautiful oversize model!
Photos: © Tanja Koenigs

For the Knitalong we offer you two knitting kits: In this one, for all you mohair lovers, you'll find Tynn Silk Mohair by SANDNES. And in this knitting kit we have put the Midnatssol by CaMaRose - a perfect alternative for all who like fleece but don't want to knit or wear mohair. Knitting is four-thread in both cases. All info about the Knitalong, where Tanja will also provide you with step-by-step photos, can be found for example in this Instagram post.

Maschenfein knitting round

If we now set off on our little virtual walk through our Maschenfein knitting round, you could fill up your coffee and tee cups again. For example, the pretty mugs by Minuk from Hamburg, which are now also available for purchase. The drawings are very typical for Antje and her small label and simply make a good mood.

Cup Minuk
Pretty cup from MinukPhoto
: © Minuk
Photos via Instagram: © instagram.com/stricknirtak / © instagram.com/annakrzx

I always get in a good mood when I see your knitting pictures. So many different designs - crazy! Katrin, for example, is busy knitting her Hokei Scarf from ITO and Anna shows you a great Lacetuch, knitted from Merida by LAMANA.

PHOTOS VIA INSTAGRAM: © instagram.com/emsstern / © instagram.com/laristrickt

Stephanie has finished her Anker's summer shirt - and is thus well prepared for spring. The above mentioned Midnatssol you can find at Larissa - and exactly for the soon starting JonaKAL. Well, who has got the desire now?

I hope you now have some ideas what else you could knit, in case one project is not enough for you... I for one have to knit a sample now. For a, hmm, third project. Anyway! Have a great weekend with lots of knitting time!